
PEN-TLRC Statement on Sámi Language and Literature
Gathered in the Sámi capital of Aanaar / Aanar / Anár (Inari), where three Sámi languages converge, the members of...

Nobel Laureates, writers and artists worldwide condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
(Read in Ukrainian, Russian, Arabic.) To our friends and colleagues in Ukraine, We, writers around the world, are appalled by the violence...

Enough is enough

PEN Resolution on China
The Assembly of Delegates of PEN International, on its 86 th annual Congress online, 2 to 6 November 2020; PEN...

Finnish PEN calls for the immediate release of our honorary member Nasrin Sotoudeh
Finnish PEN calls for the immediate and unconditional release of writer, human rights lawyer, activist and Finnish PEN honorary member...

A joint statement of Nordic PEN centres on Iran: Drop charges against human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh
A statement by four Nordic PEN Centres, 16 March 2019 Finnish PEN together with Danish PEN, Norwegian PEN, and Swedish...

Kunnianloukkausrikosten oikeuskäsittelyjen yhdenmukaisuus on varmistettava
Helsingin Sanomat käsitteli sunnuntaina 10.3. kunnianloukkausrikosten oikeuskäsittelyä Suomessa. Toimittajat kävivät läpi 867 kunnianloukkaustapausta kolmen viime vuoden ajalta. Sekä syyttäjänvirastojen että...

Finnish PEN’s Resolution on Stifling of Digital Freedom passed in Pune
Digitalization is transforming the world at an unprecedented pace in human history giving people powerful tools to improve lives and...

Egypt: PEN calls for the poet Galal El-Behairy’s sentence to be quashed
PEN calls for charges of ‘insulting the military’ and ‘spreading false news’ to be quashed in an open letter and...

Egypt’s grim blow on freedom of expression and human rights: the tortured poet Galal El-Behairy must be freed
A Statement by Finnish PEN 8 May 2018 Updated 14 May 2018: More signatories added. Update on 26 June 2018: Galal...

PEN calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia
On World Press Freedom Day 3 May 2018 PEN calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia and the protection of...

The PEN International Women’s Manifesto
The first and founding principle of the PEN Charter asserts that ‘literature knows no frontiers’. These frontiers were traditionally thought...

Uladzimir Njakljajeu sentenced for 10 days in prison
Free Uladzimir Njakljajeu Statement by Finnish PEN 3.11.2017 The poet and civil rights activist Uladzimir Njakljajeu (Vladimir Neklyaev) has been...

Nordic PEN centers’ protest letter to President Rouhani
Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish PEN send a letter to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Nov 2nd to protest the...

Finnish PEN’s resolution on blasphemy accepted in Lviv
Resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Delegates of PEN International, meeting at its 83rd Congress in Lviv, Ukraine, 18 to...

Turkey: The charges against Finnish-Turkish journalist Ayla Albayrak must be dropped
A statement by Finnish PEN, 18.10.2017 Freedom of expression is under serious assault in Turkey and not even journalists of...

Women’s Manifesto
The Women’s Manifesto has been written in accordance with the ideals of the PEN Charter that calls for one humanity...

Joint oral statement on the deterioration of freedom of expression and media freedom in Turkey
UN Human Rights Council 34th Special Session Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention Delivered by Sarah...

PEN Welcomes the Words of Migrants and Asylum Seekers
The Nordic PEN Centres are convinced that our societies benefit from all voices being heard. Furthermore, we are concerned that...

On World Press Freedom day 2016
Finnish PEN joins Finnish Newspapers Association and 19 other organizations to demand responsible use of words on the International Press...