(Suomi) Vapaa sana: Syyria
(Suomi) Wang Jiaxinin runoja Vapaassa sanassa
(Suomi) Viikonlopun menovinkit
(Suomi) Rooli vapaa -kurssi 15–16-vuotiaille pääkaupunkiseudun tytöille 26.11.
(Suomi) Kirjamessuille, hep!

Solomon Hailemariam: An ancient country with ancient languages and literatures

Solomon Hailemariam Ethiopia is one of the most ancient countries in the world. The Ethiopian alphabet has been in use...

/ 21 October 2011
Situation in Mexico

Situation in Mexico

On Monday, 3.10. representatives of the Finnish PEN visited the office of the Mexican ambassador, Mr. Agustin Gutiérrez Canet, in...

/ 11 October 2011
(Suomi) Kuvia Anna Politkovskaja -tapahtumista
The fifth anniversary of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya

The fifth anniversary of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya

The Finnish-Russian Civic Forum, Finnish PEN and the Finnish Section of Amnesty Internatiol are organizing a panel discussion and a...

/ 6 October 2011
(Suomi) PEN puolustaa Takataloa
(Suomi) Belgradin edustajamme raportoivat
(Suomi) Suomen PEN Turun kirjamessuilla
(Suomi) Uusi Vapaa sana pohtii toiseutta
(Suomi) PEN Internationalin 77. kongressi Belgradissa
(Suomi) Vihapuheesta ja nimettomästä nettikeskustelusta
Nasrin Sotoudeh

Nasrin Sotoudeh: A Letter to my Daughter

Your Strength was no Less than Mine While the U.S. PEN Association announced that they will be awarding Nasrin Sotoudeh...

/ 30 August 2011
(Suomi) PEN Helsingin juhlaviikoilla
Girona Manifesto on Linguistic Rights

Girona Manifesto on Linguistic Rights

PEN International brings together the writers of the world. Fifteen years ago, the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights was first...

/ 19 August 2011
(Suomi) Vapaa sana pohtii epäkorrektiutta
PEN International deeply distressed by the events in Oslo and Utoeya Island

PEN International deeply distressed by the events in Oslo and Utoeya Island

PEN International is deeply distressed by the events in Oslo and Utoeya Island on 22nd July 2011 Our thoughts are...

/ 26 July 2011