Nataliya Teramae: The Shell of a Snail
Read the Essay by Nataliya Teramae in Ukrainian. When you emigrate to a foreign country, you automatically start looking for...

Joy Hyvärinen: Does Finland need a commission on freedom of expression?
The freedom of expression commission appointed by the Norwegian government in 2020 has recently published its report (read the report...

Peter Mickwitz: Örnulf Tigerstedt, right-wing radical and president of PEN Finland
Panem et Circenses. Let me toast to your freedom your eight-hour workday, your cultivated soul, your progress and your other...

New Swedish-language publication: Yttrandefriheten idag
”Yttrandefriheten idag” (Freedom of expression today) by Joy Hyvärinen considers freedom of expression in today’s public debates and the role...

Judyth Hill: Wage peace
Author and active PEN International member Judyth Hill is visiting Finland’s PEN 5-11.5. In addition to his commitment to freedom...

Writer Judyth Hill is the keynote speaker on Aino Kallas’s name day
Writer and active PEN International member Judyth Hill is visiting Finland. In addition to being a writer, Judyth Hill also...

Joy Hyvärinen: Freedom of expression, limits and forgotten groups
It can be challenging to defend freedom of expression. You have to be ready to also defend the right of...

Nataliya Teramae: How we brought up a dictator
Artists do have the gift of prophesying. For Ulf Stark’s book ‘The Dictator’ Linda Bondestam created a picture of a...

Nobel Laureates, writers and artists worldwide condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
(Read in Ukrainian, Russian, Arabic.) To our friends and colleagues in Ukraine, We, writers around the world, are appalled by the violence...

To hear the Sámi voices, Discussion on December 13th, 2021, via Zoom
In recent years, there has been a lot of hate speech and racist intimidation against the Sámi, especially on the...

Discussion on the situation in Afghanistan at the Tampere Book Fair
AFGHANISTAN: FLEE OR DIE Sunday 5.12. 12.00-13.00 The Tampere Book Fair – Book Festival When the Taliban took power in...

PEN International 100 years. Discussion at Helsinki Book Fair
Helsinki Book Fair: Sat 30.10. klo 18.30 Hakaniemi-lava: ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF WORK FOR GLOBAL FREEDOM OF SPEECH – PEN...

Sulava: The Multilingual Literature of Finland has been published by Finnish PEN
Sulava – The Multilingual Literature of Finland: Compilation offers a view of the diversity of languages within Finnish literature and,...

Joy Hyvärinen: Controversial copyright law on its way
Finland, like other EU countries, needs to change its legislation to take account of the EU’s new copyright directive (DSM...

Samay Hamed: For the last American soldier
For the last American soldier: Goodbye General Greet your daughter from the girls of Kabul Tell her about the colorful...

The Hate Speech Toolkit – Practical advice for people who are being harrassed online
Finnish PEN has published The Hate Speech Toolkit, which was presented at the meeting of the peace committees in Bled....

Moomin Characters Ltd is a sponsor of PEN International’s Centenary
PEN International’s press release in English

Siarhej Budkin: 35 000 shots in 10 months
Shot 1 The border between two countries. A plot of land in the borderland is well ploughed to see whether...

Ak Welsapar: Love in Lilac
A novella The sun rose higher and in the lilac garden everything was painfully familiar. Arslan had only to close...

Enough is enough