Today, on International Mother Language Day, Finnish PEN, together with several other Nordic organizations, is launching the Nordic Network for Multilingualism with the aim of making visible and promoting linguistic diversity in the Nordics.
Nordic network for multilingualism
The purpose of the network is to highlight and promote multilingualism and linguistic diversity in the Nordic region. The network is a reflection of the existing linguistic diversity.
It is a goal in itself to promote and highlight the network’s existence and the relevance of focusing on linguistic diversity and multilingualism in the Nordic region. There are many languages spoken -in the Nordic region. The network focuses on how they are preserved and how they are strengthened.
The network invites representatives of the languages that did not participate in the founding meeting, as well as anyone else who can adhere to PEN International’s values and who is interested in languages, to join the network.
The network can take independent initiatives and express relevant opinions on behalf of the network.
A central task for the network is to communicate internally and externally about current conditions and changes, both positive and negative, regarding languages in the Nordic region, for example on social media, in newsletters, and in other ways. The network has platforms and addresses on social media.
The network proactively engages with political and cultural institutions in the Nordic region. This can include the Nordic Council and related institutions, relevant ministries and administrations, language councils, educational institutions, and more.
The network can choose to actively work on relevant projects. The network can seek external funding for physical meetings and project work, for example from the national PEN centers, from authorities, and public institutions.
The network can meet online or physically. The network proactively engages with the annual meeting of PEN International’s language committee and the meetings in connection with PEN International’s congresses.
The network’s organizational foundation
The network is related to the linguistic activities in Danish PEN, Swedish PEN, Finnish PEN, and the language committee – Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee (TLRC) – in PEN International.
The network’s values
The network is based on PEN International’s values, as expressed in PEN International’s charter, including inclusion, respect, democratic participation, the right to express oneself in one’s preferred language, freedom of expression, and linguistic and cultural diversity. Everyone who can adhere to these values and who is interested in languages is invited to join the network.
The network’s founding
The network was founded on January 21 at the BCWT – Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, Visby, Gotland.
The participants in the founding meeting were:
Daniel Gustafsson (Swedish PEN)
Karin Hansson (Swedish PEN)
Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen (Danish PEN)
Peter Mickwitz (Finnish PEN)
Leena Manninen (Finnish PEN)
Ingeborg Volan (PEN Norway)
Lena Pasternak (Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, BCWT)
Roza Galeh Dar (Översättarcentrum)
Nils-Henrik Sikku (Bágo- skribent och författarförening)
Johan E.M. Sandberg McGuinne (Tjállegoahte – Samiskt författarcentrum)

Kuvassa vasemmalta Nils Henrik Sikku (Bágo – samisk skribent-, författar- och översättarförening), Karin Hansson (Ruotsin PEN), Roza Ghaleh Dar (Översättarcentrum), Daniel Gustafsson (Ruotsin PEN), Leena Manninen (Suomen PEN), Peter Mickwitz (Suomen PEN) ja Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen (Tanskan PEN)