Kansainvälinen PEN

5th Indigenous and Minoritised Languages Videopoems Marathon
PEN International’s Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee is organising a new Video-Poem Marathon in Indigenous and Minoritised Languages, from February...

Report: PEN International Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee Annual Meeting in Inari 4–7 June 2024
Finnish PEN organized International Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee Meeting in Inari. The theme was Dialogues in Sápmi – Making...

PEN-TLRC Statement on Sámi Language and Literature
Gathered in the Sámi capital of Aanaar / Aanar / Anár (Inari), where three Sámi languages converge, the members of...

Peter Mickwitz: A trip to Ukraine
The last week of October I travelled to Kyiv, Ukraine together with representatives for the Nordic PEN centres, PEN Berlin,...

Judyth Hill: Wage peace
Author and active PEN International member Judyth Hill is visiting Finland’s PEN 5-11.5. In addition to his commitment to freedom...

Writer Judyth Hill is the keynote speaker on Aino Kallas’s name day
Writer and active PEN International member Judyth Hill is visiting Finland. In addition to being a writer, Judyth Hill also...

PEN International 100 years. Discussion at Helsinki Book Fair
Helsinki Book Fair: Sat 30.10. klo 18.30 Hakaniemi-lava: ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF WORK FOR GLOBAL FREEDOM OF SPEECH – PEN...

PEN Resolution on China
The Assembly of Delegates of PEN International, on its 86 th annual Congress online, 2 to 6 November 2020; PEN...

Finnish PEN calls for the immediate release of our honorary member Nasrin Sotoudeh
Finnish PEN calls for the immediate and unconditional release of writer, human rights lawyer, activist and Finnish PEN honorary member...

Claudia Morales: Erlin Mejía – Walking the refugee’s destiny
Erlin Armando Mejia Andino landed in Sweden three years ago, he is a 25 years old Honduran-born human rights activist...

Julian Assangen oikeudenkäynti luovutuksesta Yhdysvaltoihin siirtyi syyskuulle
Oikeudenkäynti Wikileaksin perustaja Julian Assangen luovuttamisesta Britanniasta Yhdysvaltoihin siirtyi toukokuulta syyskuulle. Lontoolainen oikeusistuin aloitti luovutuspyynnön käsittelyn jo helmikuussa. Yhdysvallat on...

Kieli- ja käännöskomiteoiden kongressi järjestettiin toukokuun alussa Meksikossa
Raportti PENin kieli- ja käännöskomiteoiden konferenssista 2019Meksiko, Chiapas, San Cristóbal 1.-5.5.2019 / Veera Tyhtilä Kieli- ja käännöskomiteoiden kokous järjestettiin YK:n...

Finnish PEN’s Resolution on Stifling of Digital Freedom passed in Pune
Digitalization is transforming the world at an unprecedented pace in human history giving people powerful tools to improve lives and...

PEN event – Writers for freedom of speech July 16th
The Writer’s Association Finnish PEN organizes an event with PEN America on Monday, 16 July 2018 at 2–4.00 pm on...

China: Uyghur pop musician and lyric writer detained, concerns for his well-being
PEN International is seriously concerned for the well-being of Uyghur pop musician and lyric writer, Ablajan Awut Ayup (popularly known...

Bangladesh: Publisher killed
11 June 2018 – PEN International is deeply saddened and concerned at today’s news that publisher and writer, Shahzahan Bachchu, was murdered in Munshiganj, Bangladesh...

Greetings from Lviv!
The 83rd Congress of PEN International was held in the UNESCO city of literature Lviv, Ukraine, on Sept. 17th–23rd 2017....

Women’s Manifesto
The Women’s Manifesto has been written in accordance with the ideals of the PEN Charter that calls for one humanity...

80. PEN International congress in Bishkek
80. PEN International congress in Bishkek The 80. PEN International congress in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, was held 29.9.-2.10.2014. The Finnish PEN...