vapaa sana

Judyth Hill

Judyth Hill: The Hand That Holds the Pen Can Rock the World

I believe in Writers. Because we can speak softly and loudly and not carry a big stick. Because we can...

/ 19 April 2020
runoilija Yaseen Ghaleb

Yaseen Ghaleb: Cc: NO BODY

Cc: NO BODY 2020, Yaseen Ghaleb 1 Have you heard the voice of rose? Open your glass ears, release your...

/ 4 April 2020

Tom Dodd: The UK is committed to promoting the rights of LGBT people

The UK is widely recognised as a global champion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights. We are committed...

/ 30 October 2019

Veera Tyhtilä: Sananvapaus ja oikeistopopulismi

Niihin aikoihin, yli vuosikymmen sitten, keskustelin erään tuttavaporukan kanssa usein libertarismista. Erityisesti oikeistolibertarismista, eli ideologiasta, joka kannattaa henkilökohtaista ja taloudellista...

/ 5 June 2019

Shashank Mane: From India to Finland: A PEN Legacy

Freedom of speech is a first amendment in the constitution of the United States of America. As an Indian-American living...

/ 20 May 2019

Mojibur Doftori: Gandhi’s East-West Synthesis and Its Relevance in the 21st Century

Why Gandhi? At the end of 2018, we have been witnessing a global trend of the rise of illiberal democracy....

/ 2 January 2019

Çiler İlhan: You killed / Öldürdünüz

You Killed   You killed my mother. You killed my father: My uncles and my aunts. You killed my grandmother and...

/ 17 April 2018